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Program Q AIML [AIML / Pandorabots]
Program Q AIML is a C++ Qt-based library offering a simple API to parse AIML XML files and then interacting with a user input with Latin/Arabic support (Un...
Decapitated Fembot Flirts With Nearly Anyone! [Articles]
So went the first conversation I had with Hallie the chatbot, located near the SL Library on Info Island. And despite my inclination to imagine Hallie addi...
Dante's Virtual Library [Books]
"I was transferring stuff to my new computer, after I uploaded it to multiple cloud sites. Now, lo and behold, a thought struck me; Hey! I've got ple...
Binary Becky [Chatbots - English]
Binary Becky is an artificial intelligence project combining the personality power of AIML with comprehensive logic and reasoning algorithms, concept-orien...
Computer [Chatbots - English]
This is the expanded version of the Galactic Enterprise Ship's Computer, an educational tool we are working on. Besides being part of a story, it is part ...
Socialbot [Chatbots - English]
"Socialbot isn't designed to fool people, like many 'chatbots'. Fooling isn't easy, and it's not very useful. Instead Socialbot uses animation and natural ...
Star Trek [Robots on TV]
(The Library Computer) [Ep: Shore Leave] (Black Knight, Don Juan, Alice in Wonderland, Finnegan, Ruth, Samurai Warrior, Tiger, White Rabbit) [Ep: The Chang...