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Small Worlds [AIML / Pandorabots]
The next time you make a friend in the online community Smallworlds, it could turn out to be a Pandorabot. Smallworlds is a fast-growing online virtual ...
Getting Emotional Online [Articles]
If you traded an e-mail or two with Tom Rearick, Director of Self-Service Products and creator of eGain Assistant, you wouldn’t know that he’s ...
Immaterial Girl [Articles]
Ramona has an interesting history. She is credited with being the world’s first live virtual performing and recording artist. She’s the host of Ray Kur...
Music Boxes and Chatterbots [Articles]
The player piano made significant advances over its predecessor, the music box. The music box could only play one song, and for a voice, it only had lit...
Robot Takeover: 100 Iconic Robots of Myth, Popular Culture & Real Life [Books]
In Robot Takeover, Ana Matronic presents 100 of the most legendary robots and what makes them iconic - their creators, purpose, design and why their existe...
Jazz TutorBot [Chatbots - English]
Hi there! I'm jazz legend Wilson “Sonny” Davis and I'm here to answer any questions you might have about jazz music. Also, if you'd like me to give yo...
Claudia [Chatbots - Non English]
English summary: Claudia is a Spanish spoken virtual Customer Service Agent who can help you to get familiar with BotGenes, the company she works for, and...
Diego [Chatbots - Non English]
English summary: Diego is a Spanish spoken chat friend. Aiming to assist both natives and those having Spanish as a second language to improve their writ...
Film Theory and Chatbots [Papers]
The tools described in film theory are used to invoke feelings in the viewer as a form of entertainment. Some of these tools apply more directly to chatbot...
Portal 2 - Want You Gone [Robots in Games] Icon
Jonathan Coulton's song Still Alive, which is sung by GLaDOS (voiced by Ellen McLain) over Portal's end credits, was considered a large part of Por...
Conversation, Deception and Intelligence [Websites]
A blog dedicated to science, technology, and my interests in music, art, film and especially to Alan Turing for his Imitation Game: a measure for machine i...