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This is where the ultimate natural language robot is taking shape. Take a few minutes to explore and learn about Ella's achievements and future as a robot. You may talk to the version that won the 2002 Loebner Prize Contest for "Most Human Computer." But also be sure to visit the full version that makes more extensive use of text and images. Web Sevices and audio elements give your experience still more depth.

Ella enjoys dealing Atlantic City style Blackjack, spinning her Slot Machine, telling I Ching fortunes, and performing various useful functions. A lexical database is used to assist her knowledge and usefulness. A Convun database contains thousands of jokes, trivia, anecdotes, poems, etc. These help Ella to keep conversations interesting and informative. The EllaZ System also asks for your opinion of jokes, images, trivia, and so on to increase her knowledge and effectiveness.
Category : Chatbots - English
Submitted :  6th, August 2008

1. Robot - A robot (also called a droid) is a machine - especially one programmable by a computer - capable of carrying out a complex series of actions automatically.

2. Loebner Prize - The Loebner Prize is an annual competition in artificial intelligence that awards prizes to the computer programs considered by the judges to be the most human-like.